Black Magic II Wiki
Keep Area Clean

Wiki Rules are a set of guidelines that any and all editors of the Black Magic II Wiki must follow. Violation of any of these will result in the offender being moderated, blocked, or banned depending on the offense.

General Rules[]

  1. Do not vandalize articles (e.g. mass deletion, intentional addition of irrelevant, useless or otherwise incorrect information, etc).
  2. Be respectful to others. This includes comments, Message Walls, blogs, and Discord conversations. It is possible to disagree without being disrepectful.
  3. Do not use derogatory remarks (e.g. racism, sexism, etc).
  4. Do not post pornographic content anywhere on the wikia. Black Magic II is a ROBLOX game.
  5. Do not cause drama. If your work is in conflict with another editor, confront them in a mature manner on their Message Wall, the Discord Group DM, or their Discord Private DMs. Passive-aggressively overwriting their edits with your own does not count.
  6. Please adhere to the policies for writing articles and posting images, as well as using the templates for their intended purpose.
  7. When making an edit, please leave an edit summary. It takes all of about ten seconds, and saves administrators from having to play Nancy Drew to figure out who changed something on a specific page.
    1. Writing a vague summary such as: "I changed something" is just as vague as not leaving an edit summary. Please make sure to summarize what you have changed.


If you find an editor of this wiki to be in violation of any of these rules, please contact one of the wiki's Administrators.

Rank Name ROBLOX and Discord Username Status
Founder Robepriority robepriority (ROBLOX)

robepriority (Discord)

Administrator WhatsThatSoundd SupremeCaptainBlaze (ROBLOX)

supremecptblaze (Discord)

Administrator NanachiSimp Phyrep0wer_roblox (ROBLOX)

soulbright (Discord)

Administrator ScarboroughRiver Sweet_Smoothies (ROBLOX)

ScarboroughRiver (Discord)


fishman3259 (Discord)
